All things that are going on with the Brokenbourgh family, starting with me, Joseph Brokenbourgh in Portland, Oregon.
Who We Are
We are like all other people a blended family of many shapes and sizes, colors, religions, cultures, beliefs, sexual orientations, genders, skin colors, and many more differences that make us who we are.
I have created this site today on Wednesday, February, 1st 2023. Not because I'm bored, but because I want to share. I have lots of opinionated things to say but I also want to share things about my family and with my family, with their permission of course. So for starters if you have an questions please feel free to email me if I have remembered to put an email somewhere.
I'm currently not a big fan of social media, with the exception of YouTube. So I wanted a place to write and post crap without worry or limits. I do curse, so if your not a fan of fucking bad words, you might want to steer clear.

About Us
Globaly speaking, we are a family of both Western and African decent.
Since this site is brand new, a lot of what you see is just left over stuff from the template, so ignore it. Its a work in progress.. A slow one.
Do you have an idea of what I should put on Email me! Let Me know!
Black Ash

American Beech
Black Birch
Gray Birch
Paper Birch

Yellow Birch
Black Cherry
Pin Cherry
American Chestnut
Eastern Cottonwood

Cucumber Tree
American Elm
Slippery Elm
Balsam Fir

Eastern Hemlock
Bitternut Hickory
Pignut Hickory
Shagbark Hickory
American Hophornbeam
American Larch
Black Locust
Countdown Timer Expired
Our Staff
Canis lupus familiaris

No Longer with us, he was loyal, loved car rides and nipping his brothers legs.

Loves to chase squirrels, cats and other small animals, bark at noises outside the front door and eat his dinner as slow as possible.

Scarlet Oak Loves to Eat Riley's poop, will bark at anything Riley is barking at and guards her food against Riley.

No longer with us, moly was found in a flower pot in front of a motel in Ardmore, OK. She was a Basenji, a barkless dog. Last seen in Umpqua, Or.
Red Pine
Pitch Pine
Eastern Redcedar